guy inside McDonald's was always cheap-shot me about my blog. "You’re
writing a movie StreetWise?" My guy tells me. We both are sitting and having
a cup of coffee. "I'll tell you what amigo, if Hagler was Lt. that
second shift that night Luis Wilson was found hung inside ECPD Jail Cell then
we got a movie," Street had some bass in his voice. "Wasn't Hagler
the boss man when Sgt Pabey shot & killed that kid?" My guy
interjects. "I look out @ the cars riding along Columbus Dr. Our
contention is that #85-18660 police report from Gilbert Bonilla Homicide was
tampered with. Lt. Hagler let it pass the stink test. This time there
will be a risk and an exposure for Hagler. Tampering with evidence is a
federal offense. Thus, my thinking is, did Lt. Hagler do the right thing
in the Luis Wilson scenario?
Luis Wilson found hung in E.C. City Jail in 1996 has "cold case" written
all over it. Coming out of the gate we have issues here. The
camera used to monitor the drunk tank wasn't working. They forgot to
remove Wilson's shoelaces. $400,000 was awarded to Mrs. Wilson. That is
the civil side, & we want to talk about the criminal side.
"You fought the good fight, lady."