Friday, February 14, 2025

At Street Level 368

Read in Bill Nangle's article in The Times the camera that was supposed to monitor the drunk tank that housed Luis Wilson who was brought in for OWI did not work. ( This was The Gibbs in me)."Do we know if there were other instances when the camera was out of order? Or did it go out that night around 9 p.m.? Did somebody from the electrical company that services the police station come out to fix that camera?
Continues:    Case File #96-6053.  Booking Officer M. Smith #374 Booking Off. Sgt. M. Wilder #249 Supervisor Approving. Do they know how long the camera was not working? Could it have been turned off that night? What was the biggest red flag in this scenario that you can remember? The family said that Luis Wilson was drunk inside lock up at 9 pm & died 2 hours later. Did not get a call from Poe-Poe till the morning. They could not get a look at the police report, etc. This is what Street was looking to do. TBC.