At Street Level -There was an interview with
Gus Flores on (YouTube) where he said a mouthful & related to Given Murder
& Bonilla Murder. Flores was the lead investigator on Given murder &
Chief of Police when Bonilla was murdered, you with me? Flores-"The
homicide itself and the evidence tampering had one thing in common. It was one
irrational act followed by another irrational act”. Then he goes on in this
interview." Who in their right mind would tamper with evidence that was
already in police custody?"
The word for today, Boyz & Girlz, is Analogous-Similar
or comparable to something else either in general or in specific detail.
At Street Level.- Mayor Pabey was pissed @
Chief Machuca because when 3 Letter Boyz started looking @Pabey. He gave Cooley’s
office inside the station. Pabey never liked Machuca, but it was Medina who
wanted his boy Machuca to be Chief, & he co-signed for Machuca. Pabey then
removed Chief Machuca & replaced him with former Chief Gus Flores. He would
allegedly call Chief Flores, asking for daily reports on what 3 Letter Boyz was
doing, etc., etc. Source better than a government check. “You can rob a bank
with me,” Source told all his sources.
PS- Google Jay Given & scroll down to YouTube