At Street Level. Remember when I got a call from a source who was better than a government check. “They said the deputy warden @Lake County jail is in trouble.” He starts out. “What he does boss & I hope this ain't some bochinche ". This is how l let my kickstand down & the caveat here is that the source knows "He can rob a bank with me.” This was something he needed to know, & he had to trust me. This news biz gotta be built on trust. Street let's him break it down like a shotgun. He laughed when he heard me say that. “Seems that Menchaca the deputy warden @ Lake County Jail was allegedly involved with a female Inmate. Menchaca’s father is a Lake County Councilman out of Gary." This is the stuff Street was writing in my phone. Then Street had to get out in the field to see "que onda?" What was up? First person Street called was the father. Street in k-9 mode as we proceed "Your son having problems?" Street cut to the chase. “Yeah because of that woman over there." This is what he tells me. Street tried to stay cool because this is like wow stories. Now that I knew what was up. Street had to get activated. “Was he still on the clock?" Street threw out a question just to remain calm & cue to hang up. "No, he wasn’t on the clock, " Al responds.
Continues. Street started texting some people. Text Just got some Intel about Menchaca @ Lake County Jail. Sex with a woman who was in lockup @ Lake County Jail. Need a Big 10-4 on this one. Then my phone rings & it's a guy who knows where the bodies are buried. “Who told you." He starts out. A smile came over my face because when they asked you that it meant. My other source was on point with Intel. Thumbs up was text from another source who gave me my Big 10-4. After getting a couple of bigger 10-4's Street called up reporter from The Times to see if she knew about Menchaca. Street gave a napkin version of the story. And the main point was Lake County Councilman Menchaca is the father of deputy warden. Menchaca is also staunch supporter of Lake County Sheriff Oscar Martinez let the record note.
Continues. Street started texting some people. Text Just got some Intel about Menchaca @ Lake County Jail. Sex with a woman who was in lockup @ Lake County Jail. Need a Big 10-4 on this one. Then my phone rings & it's a guy who knows where the bodies are buried. “Who told you." He starts out. A smile came over my face because when they asked you that it meant. My other source was on point with Intel. Thumbs up was text from another source who gave me my Big 10-4. After getting a couple of bigger 10-4's Street called up reporter from The Times to see if she knew about Menchaca. Street gave a napkin version of the story. And the main point was Lake County Councilman Menchaca is the father of deputy warden. Menchaca is also staunch supporter of Lake County Sheriff Oscar Martinez let the record note.

The Press. My baby beef with The Times was that reporter didn’t mention that Lake County Councilman Menchaca was the deputy warden. Then when this k-9 brought it to her attention she told a story. “I didn’t know that.” She tells me that. My memory was telling me that I told her of their connection the night I called her up with the tip. Their connection was very germane to the story & they gave Sheriff Martinez a mulligan. This is what ran thru my mind when I read about Sheriff Marinez's court coming up.