Monday, July 31, 2023

At Street Level 150

 At Street Level. North Township Trustee's Office (Hohman Avenue). Bochince out there of allegations this office was backdrop for “Quid pro quo.” Sources better than a government check.

Spanish. Dime con quién estás y te diré quién eres.

Translation to English. Tell me who you're with, and I'll tell you who you are.

At Street Level. E.C. Police Station where Mayor Pabey ruled like King Kong. Even when "3letter Boyz” were on him he fired Chief Machuca & brought back Chief Gus Flores so he could tell King Kong what the FBI was doing. He was pissed because Chief Machuca gave them an office @ E.C.P.D. (tbc) Stolen weaponry from E.C.P.D. Swat Team under King King's watch.


 This 85-181660 Police Report from Bonilla Homicide that was tampered with. Sitting right now as of this writing (7-31-23) in Quantico Lab.