was like 12 years ago that StreetWise was visiting Angel Bonilla on Deodar when
this woman approached me. Rosie knew that I was investigating Angel's son
Gilbert's Cold Case okay. So she cut into me. "StreetWise when you gonna
investigate my brother's murder?" She starts." What was your brother's
name & who killed him?" I'm feeling her out. "They hung him
inside the police station and said he committed suicide". Rosie had plenty
of bass in her voice as she spoke. Angel gave me that look that she was
serious. "No shit?" Was my response. “My brother was Luis Wilson,
& he had eight kids and a good ass job. So that shit about him killing
himself is bullshit." Rosie went on. Street is now trying to decipher all
this she is telling me. Heard a lot of stories about E.C. Poe-Poe but not this
one. From here on, every time I would run into Rosie. It would be the same ole
song . "When you gonna investigate my brother's murder?" She would
cut into No facts or any other evidence to go on until I ran into this cat one
night who started talking to me about E.C. Poe-Poe. Seems everybody had a story
about E.C. Poe-Poe. This was right after Mayor Pabey got indicted etc.etc., &
this cat heard me talk about it. King Kong going down from a small virus &
Anthony Copeland would be like Jackie Robinson etc., etc. We're taking a baby
ride thru The Harbor as we talk both sipping on a "double deuce" of
Bud Lite. "The story you need to write about is that cat whom they hung in
the lock-up," He drops the bomb on me. He got my attention right then
& there. "You ain't been hitting that pipe homey?" Street messed
with him. "I don't get down like that, Street." He tells me. "All
I heard is his name was Luis Wilson & he had 8kids." Listening to him
my mind switched to Rosie. Years pass & we fast forward to Arcuri on the
front page of the newspaper going to college for years behind that drug case. "Bet
you he knows about Luis Wilson. "This same source tells me. "That's
the story you need to write about it." He tells me. TBC.