Saturday, August 5, 2023

At Street Level 154


At Street Level. North Township Trustee Office on Hohman.

At Street Level. North Township Trustee's Office -Speaking of King Kong, he allegedly brokered a deal with Frank Mrvan Jr. & himself. Mrvan Jr. would hire Mayor Pabey’s daughter @ the township where Jr. was Boss man. King would get Chief Machuca to hire disgraced Hammond Cop at E.C.P.D. It was something that a gal who worked with Pabey's daughter @ trustee’s office on Hohman Avenue. Fired Hammond Cop was rolling around a cop cruiser. But then King Kong was being looked @ by 3Letter Boyz. Mrvan allegedly got nervous because he might get some heat. Daughter was asked to leave, & she did as Mrvan Jr. made his move. “Ain’t that what they call quid pro quo? “An associate asked me.

 P.S. This source used to roll with King Kong & it was all good until the wheel came off the Caddy. Thus, he starts talking about Pabey, & Mrvan Jr years later. Street took mental notes.

Dime con quién estás y te diré quién eres. {Tell me who you're with, and I'll tell you who you are.}