Thursday, January 16, 2025

At Street Level 355


"Side Bet"- This texter always offers feedback &just peeped the blog woo, woo, woo. "I bet you all the people who signed the petition voted for Biden," he tells me with some bass in his voice & with a shit-face grin. "They also need to launch that coach who already had some baggage with that sexual harassment case." Street was gonna stay on this one. TBC.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

At Street Level 354

01 Child seduction- Child care worker engages in fondling or touching w/child 16-17 years. Statue 35-42-4-7(p)Degree F6 04 35-42-1(c)(1)/ MB: Battery
"Out of context" There were allegations of a sexual harassment case @ E.C. Central H.S. Street had that K-9 in him that led him to (My case) & paperwork. The girls from E.C. Central H.S. are minors, so we can't mention their names, etc. But I want E.C. School Board Members & The Super to know this scenario is fluid as of this writing.

Monday, January 13, 2025

At Street Level 353



Street left various messages with Munster & told them about a supplemental police report that mentions Jay Given etc. They never called me back. A local reporter found out about my supplemental police report Street had pieces of. The reporter filed a public records request for a copy of the said Munster P.D. Supplemental police report. The reporter was told to take a walk. (Dave Double Down Westland) attorney representing Munster P.D.
Double Down co-signing for McDermott Jr. when Lefty took on McDermott Jr. over a complaint Lefty filed in Crown Point.