Friday, March 7, 2025

At Street Level 377

"Nothing personal, Chief Rivera". In 1982, Jay Given was shot & murdered by a cop here in East Chicago. In 1985, Gilbert Bonilla was shot & murdered by a cop. In 1996, now, we hear a cop might have hung Luis Wilson. In 2002, a new allegation came out that an East Chicago Cop murdered Jasmine Esquivel. "Sources better than a government check." This is why I'm barking. "Miss Riley from Field School always told us if you don't understand something. You can raise your hand & ask a question." Street raising his hand.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

At Street Level 376

"There is no record of this hanging in our files." Street had been efforting to get a copy of #96-6053. Police Report from Luis Wilson Hanging. March 4,202 had talked to gal @ city hall ."What I need to know: A. if a police report exists. B. does it exist, & they refuse to share with me?" Street cut to the chase. "It exists, and they have been busy but will get you a copy when they get a chance," Gal from city hall told me yesterday morning. Then, in the afternoon, this gal was singing a different tune. She sent me the following email: "There is no record of this hanging in our files,” Per Chief Rivera. TBC.

P.S. We have a copy of Luis Wilson's autopsy but no police report.

Monday, March 3, 2025

At Street Level 375


Just wanted Jackie to grasp the facts. A. The camera that was supposed to monitor the cell that housed Luis Wilson did not work that night.    B. The E.C. Poe-Poe forgot to remove his shoelaces? The backstory is that Luis Wilson had 8 kids & a good job. Rosie told me the first time. "Her brother would never kill himself." As the years passed, she would always ask me," StreetWise, when you gonna in investigate my brothers murder?” Rosie had a lot of bass in her voice. But she passed years back. Just wanting her to know Street is looking @ her brother's case.